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"appear" 的中文翻译





"appear" 的相关翻译

Fixed a bug that prevented AI noble parties from leaving hero prisoners in settlements.Fixed a bug that caused the main hero to be included in battle simulations.Fixed a bug that caused companions that have been left in a settlement by the player to move to another settlement.Fixed a bug that allowed the player to support clans and increase their influence through the kingdom menu while in a siege.Fixed a bug that caused the Escort Merchant Caravan quest's caravan to disappear if the main party attacked them.Fixed a bug that allowed the player to smelt items using keyboard shortcuts even when they are out of stamina.Fixed a bug that allowed the player to take parties into the army using shortcut keys without any cost.Fixed a bug that triggered Scout experience gains even when not moving.Fixed a bug that caused the weight and build of characters to not be used correctly. Characters will now have a more diverse weight and build distribution.Fixed a bug that caused too many Radagos' raider parties to spawn in the Radagos' hideout.Fixed a bug that caused troops to starve faster when having a higher Medicine skill level.Fixed a bug that caused an incorrect outcome message to be displayed when a new policy was accepted against the wishes of the council.Fixed a bug that caused parties that are in the player's army to not buy food and starve.(Modding) Fixed the missing decals issue that happened when a module was enabled before the Native module.用中文怎么说? 修正了一个阻止AI贵族团队将英雄俘虏留在定居点的错误。 修正了导致主英雄被包含在战斗模拟中的错误。 修正了一个导致玩家在营地中留下的同伴移动到另一个营地的错误。 修正了一个允许玩家在攻城时通过王国菜单支持氏族并增加其影响力的错误。 修正了一个错误,导致护送商人商队任务的商队消失,如果主要党攻击他们。 修正了一个错误,允许玩家使用键盘快捷键嗅出物品,即使他们没有体力。 修正了一个错误,允许玩家使用快捷键进入军队没有任何费用各方。 修正了一个在不移动的情况下触发侦察经验增益的错误。 修复了一个导致角色的权重和构建无法正确使用的错误。角色的权重和构建分布将更加多样化。 修正了一个导致太多Radagos掠夺者队伍在Radagos藏身处繁殖的错误。 修正了一个错误,导致部队饥饿更快时,有较高的医药技能水平。 修复了一个错误,该错误导致在违背议会意愿接受新政策时显示错误的结果消息。 修正了一个导致玩家军队中的各方不购买食物和挨饿的错误。 (Modding)修复了在本机模块之前启用模块时出现的缺少贴花问题。

Driven by science and technology, artificial intelligence appears in people's vision. Artificial intelligence products can be seen everywhere. They make people's life change rapidly用中文怎么说? 在科学技术的推动下,人工智能出现在人们的视野中。人工智能产品随处可见。它们使人们的生活迅速改变

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