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"careful" 的中文翻译





"careful" 的相关翻译

For the top 14 flavors, carefully pound and sift under the silk to take the ones with blue and black color, roughly pound them under the yarn, store them in the powder bag, put them in a large box, cover them with powder, and take them sealed after seven days. The powder smells until it is full and white. If they were meant to be fragrant powder, regardless of the black and white of the fragrance and the powder, although the powder smells but the color is black, they must be used separately, not用中文怎么说? 对于前14种口味,小心地在丝绸下面捣碎过筛,取出蓝色和黑色的,大致捣碎在纱线下面,放入粉袋,放入大盒子,盖上粉,七天后密封取出。这种粉末闻起来是白色的。如果它们是芳香粉末,不管香味和粉末的黑白,虽然粉末闻起来是黑色的,但它们必须单独使用,而不是

Observing him every day has become a pleasure, which also shows that I am very tolerant and broad-minded. Now, the little friend is sitting in front of me. Please also describe his back: there is a trace of danger in the high cold. This charming danger also attracts little girls and old girls as much as I do. But in my opinion, this figure is unspeakably cute! So I decided to teach him a clever trick to prevent all kinds of creatures who have an unreasonable desire for his back, that is, to walk with me, because in this way, all potential dangerous factors will be absorbed by me, so as to protect his safety. In a word, my back has brought me a rich spiritual world, enough appreciation ability and critical spirit, and more able to help others... All teachers who are reviewing this excellent work carefully, I sincerely express my heartfelt sympathy to you, because you don't have my back, and your life is always a little less colorful. I want to express a lot of feelings for my back, but this poor paper can't give enough space to roam in the spiritual world. Finally, I can only express a little regret: don't love me, there is no result.用中文怎么说? 每天观察他已经成为一种乐趣,这也表明我很宽容,心胸开阔。现在,小朋友坐在我面前。请描述一下他的背部:高寒中有一丝危险。这种迷人的危险也像我一样吸引着小女孩和老女孩。但在我看来,这个数字是难以形容的可爱!所以我决定教他一个聪明的诀窍,防止各种生物对他的背部有不合理的欲望,那就是跟我走,因为这样,所有潜在的危险因素都会被我吸收,从而保护他的安全。总之,我的背影给我带来了一个丰富的精神世界,足够的欣赏能力和批判精神,更能够帮助别人。。。所有认真复习这部优秀作品的老师们,我真诚地向你们表示衷心的同情,因为你们没有我的支持,你们的生活总是少了一点色彩。我想表达我对背部的很多感受,但这张可怜的纸不能给我足够的空间在精神世界漫游。最后,我只能表达一点遗憾:不爱我,没有结果。

I participated in the training class of party member development object honorably. During the study period, I started from correct their own learning attitude, with a serious, respectful, proud and conscious state of mind, on time to attend the training class, observe the classroom discipline, carefully do a good job of preview and study notes between classes. Under the guidance of the party school mentor comrade, I seriously studied the Party constitution and the report of the 19th National Con用中文怎么说? 我光荣地参加了党员发展对象培训班。在学习期间,我从端正自己的学习态度开始,以认真、尊重、自豪和自觉的心态,按时参加培训班,遵守课堂纪律,认真做好课间预习和学习笔记。在党校导师同志的指导下,我认真学习了党章和十九大报告

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