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"Borg- trying to air " 的中文翻译


Borg- trying to air layer a pinus edulis in NM, a short needled two-to-a fascicle native commonly referred to as piñon. Tried a tourniquet several years ago but poor methodology and failure to follow through led to its failure. Earlier this month I did a girdle with packed sphagnum and so far so good. The major thing I have noticed is that tip growth seems to have accelerated, while older needles are browning and dropping. The branch I'm working on is a vertical primary off a horizontal trunk. Diameter is 1.25-1.50 in. I estimate the age of parent tree at 30-50 years, based on I'm guessing that's when parent tree was pushed over during lot development. Have read about various additives being used in the pouch, but I just soaked the moss in rainwater and wrung it out before packing it tightly. The only thing I am doing besides watching and waiting is feeding and watering the parent tree. FWIW, probably didn't answer any of your questions, but I've found that to discover what works is to educate yourself, consult with those with experience, and DO something. Analysis paralysis is a terrible waste to mind.
"Too much agreement kills a chat." -Eldridge Cleaver


borg-试图在nm处给一棵爱德华松(pinus edulis)充气,这是一种短的针叶二对一束植物,通常被称为π-on。几年前试过止血带,但方法不好,未能坚持下去,导致了失败。这个月早些时候,我做了一条裹着泥炭藓的腰带,到目前为止还不错。我注意到的最主要的一点是,针尖的生长似乎加快了,而老针头正在变黄和脱落。我正在研究的分支是一个从水平主干上分离出来的垂直主干。直径为1.25-1.50英寸。我估计母树的年龄在30-50岁之间,根据我的猜测,那是母树在地块开发过程中被推倒的时候。我读过关于袋子里使用的各种添加剂,但我只是把苔藓浸泡在雨水里,拧干后再紧紧地包装起来。除了观察和等待,我唯一要做的就是给母树喂食和浇水。fwiw,可能没有回答你的任何问题,但我发现,要发现什么是有效的教育自己,咨询那些有经验的人,并做一些事情。精神分析瘫痪是一种可怕的浪费。
&太多的协议会扼杀谈话。";-eldridge cleaver

"Borg- trying to air " 的相关翻译

Borg- trying to air layer a pinus edulis in NM, a short needled two-to-a fascicle native commonly referred to as piñon. Tried a tourniquet several years ago but poor methodology and failure to follow through led to its failure. Earlier this month I did a girdle with packed sphagnum and so far so good. The major thing I have noticed is that tip growth seems to have accelerated, while older needles are browning and dropping. The branch I'm working on is a vertical primary off a horizontal trunk. Diameter is 1.25-1.50 in. I estimate the age of parent tree at 30-50 years, based on I'm guessing that's when parent tree was pushed over during lot development. Have read about various additives being used in the pouch, but I just soaked the moss in rainwater and wrung it out before packing it tightly. The only thing I am doing besides watching and waiting is feeding and watering the parent tree. FWIW, probably didn't answer any of your questions, but I've found that to discover what works is to educate yourself, consult with those with experience, and DO something. Analysis paralysis is a terrible waste to mind."Too much agreement kills a chat." -Eldridge Cleaver用中文怎么说? borg-试图在nm处给一棵爱德华松(pinus edulis)充气,这是一种短的针叶二对一束植物,通常被称为π-on。几年前试过止血带,但方法不好,未能坚持下去,导致了失败。这个月早些时候,我做了一条裹着泥炭藓的腰带,到目前为止还不错。我注意到的最主要的一点是,针尖的生长似乎加快了,而老针头正在变黄和脱落。我正在研究的分支是一个从水平主干上分离出来的垂直主干。直径为1.25-1.50英寸。我估计母树的年龄在30-50岁之间,根据我的猜测,那是母树在地块开发过程中被推倒的时候。我读过关于袋子里使用的各种添加剂,但我只是把苔藓浸泡在雨水里,拧干后再紧紧地包装起来。除了观察和等待,我唯一要做的就是给母树喂食和浇水。fwiw,可能没有回答你的任何问题,但我发现,要发现什么是有效的教育自己,咨询那些有经验的人,并做一些事情。精神分析瘫痪是一种可怕的浪费。 &太多的协议会扼杀谈话。";-eldridge cleaver

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