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"Take cuttings from w" 的中文翻译


Take cuttings from white pines in fall -- September through October. Cut straight across, taking the last 4 to 6 inches of a branch from two to six years old, and remove all but the last four or five clusters of five needles, pulling straight out to avoid tearing the bark. Using disinfected shears, cut upward in the center of the wound and insert a pebble or round toothpick to hold the wound open -- new roots sprout from the edges of this cut. Brush wounded surfaces with a rooting hormone powder and start in pots with drainage holes filled with vermiculite or sandy potting mix. Start several branchlets -- if all are successful, you can always share. Keep the mix moist by setting the pots in cellophane sleeves or enclosing a tray of pots in a clear plastic tent. Saplings should be big enough to move outside by spring.



"Take cuttings from w" 的相关翻译

Take cuttings from white pines in fall -- September through October. Cut straight across, taking the last 4 to 6 inches of a branch from two to six years old, and remove all but the last four or five clusters of five needles, pulling straight out to avoid tearing the bark. Using disinfected shears, cut upward in the center of the wound and insert a pebble or round toothpick to hold the wound open -- new roots sprout from the edges of this cut. Brush wounded surfaces with a rooting hormone powder and start in pots with drainage holes filled with vermiculite or sandy potting mix. Start several branchlets -- if all are successful, you can always share. Keep the mix moist by setting the pots in cellophane sleeves or enclosing a tray of pots in a clear plastic tent. Saplings should be big enough to move outside by spring.用中文怎么说? 秋天从白松树上采集插枝——从九月到十月。直截了当,从两岁到六岁取下一根树枝的最后4到6英寸,除最后4或5簇5针外,全部拔出,以避免撕裂树皮。用消毒过的剪刀,在伤口中心向上剪,插入一个鹅卵石或圆形牙签来保持伤口张开——伤口边缘会长出新的根。用生根激素粉刷洗受伤的表面,然后从装有蛭石或砂质盆栽混合物的排水孔的盆栽开始。开始几个小枝——如果所有小枝都成功了,你可以一直共享。把罐子放在玻璃纸袖子里或把一盘罐子放在一个透明的塑料帐篷里,以保持混合物的湿润。树苗应该足够大,到春天可以移开。

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