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"相比较于自我学习。我更喜欢一起学习和同学" 的英语翻译




Compared with self-learning. I prefer to study together with my classmates. Learning together can feel the atmosphere of learning together. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the students to discuss it together. If you study, you will not find that sense of atmosphere. And I can't get help when I'm in trouble. I don't pay much attention when I follow my study. In group study, I will feel the fun that learning brings to me.

"相比较于自我学习。我更喜欢一起学习和同学" 的相关翻译

相比较于自我学习。我更喜欢一起学习和同学们。一起学习可以感受共同学习的氛围。在其中,如果有什么不懂的地方的话,可以问同学们一起讨论。如果个人学习的话会找不到那种氛围感。更在有困难的时候无法得到帮助。我在跟着学习的时候,注意力不是很集中。而在组团学习会感受到那种学习给我带来的乐趣。在学校里面。和同学们一起学习。会更好的提高我的学习成绩。让我全身心的投入学习中。用英语怎么说? Compared with self-learning. I prefer to study together with my classmates. Learning together can feel the atmosphere of learning together. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the students to discuss it together. If you study, you will not find that sense of atmosphere. And I can't get help when I'm in trouble. I don't pay much attention when I follow my study. In group study, I will feel the fun that learning brings to me. In the school. Study with your classmates. Will better improve my academic performance. Let me devote myself to my study.

相比较于自我学习。我更喜欢一起学习和同学们。一起学习可以感受共同学习的氛围。在其中,如果有什么不懂的地方的话,可以问同学们一起讨论。如果个人学习的话会找不到那种氛围感。更在有困难的时候无法得到帮助。我在跟着学习的时候,注意力不是很集中。而在组团学习会感受到那种学习给我带来的乐趣。用英语怎么说? Compared with self-learning. I prefer to study together with my classmates. Learning together can feel the atmosphere of learning together. If you don't understand anything, you can ask the students to discuss it together. If you study, you will not find that sense of atmosphere. And I can't get help when I'm in trouble. I don't pay much attention when I follow my study. In group study, I will feel the fun that learning brings to me.

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