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"2018年" 的英语翻译





"2018年" 的相关翻译

自2018年全国各地开展“抢人大战”“引才大战”以来,人力资源已经成为企业最重要的竞争资源。本文以广西河池市自来水有限公司的人力资源现状及问题为基础,浅析民营企业在人力资源管理方面存在的普遍性问题:传统的人事观点、低水平的用人思想,不合理的用人机制、落后的人员招聘计划以及对人力资本投资严重不足等问题。最后阐述解决这一问题的对策:科学的构建人力资源管理体系,完善人力资源管理职能,优化人力资源配置,同时培养良好的企业文化,建立一个和谐的、“以人为本”的企业管理系统,使人力资源管理与时俱进,保持高效。用英语怎么说? Human resources have become the most important competitive resource of enterprises since the "people grabbing war" and "talent introduction war" were launched across the country in 2018. Based on the current situation and problems of human resources of Guangxi Hechi water supply Co., Ltd., this paper analyzes the common problems existing in human resources management of private enterprises: traditional personnel views, low-level employment ideas, unreasonable employment mechanism, backward personnel recruitment plan and serious insufficient investment in human capital. Finally, it expounds the countermeasures to solve this problem: scientifically build the human resource management system, improve the human resource management functions, optimize the allocation of human resources, cultivate a good corporate culture, and establish a harmonious, "people-oriented" enterprise management system, so that human resource management can keep pace with the times and remain efficient.

通过近一年半时间开发,顺利完成了平台开发目标,在2018年实现了全产品线的整体布局。用英语怎么说? Through nearly one and a half years of development, the platform development goal has been successfully completed, and the overall layout of the whole product line has been realized in 2018.

2018年用英语怎么说? 2018

先分配全资子公司洪泽大洋盐化有限公司2018年及以前年度利润,以确保在2020年4月底前向新加坡大洋支付的2019年及以前年度股利在扣减因2019年及以前年度股利产生的或与之相关的任何适用税款后不低于[3,000,000美元]或等值人民币。用英语怎么说? The profits of Hong Ze Ocean Salting Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary, will be distributed in 2018 and prior years to ensure that the dividends paid to Singapore Ocean in 2019 and prior years by the end of April 2020 are not less than [US$3,000,000] or equivalent RMB after deducting any applicable taxes arising from or related to the dividends in 2019 and prior years.

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