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"摘 要进入新时期以来进入新时期以来,得益" 的英语翻译


摘 要


Since entering the new era, thanks to the rapid growth of China's economy and society, construction engineering, as an important basic supporting project, has developed to a great extent. Compared with the past, its construction scale and volume have increased greatly. In this case, the social requirements for the construction quality of construction projects are constantly improving, which requires the majority of construction enterprises to take corresponding control measures to ensure their construction quality, and requires the majority of construction enterprises to take corresponding control measures to ensure their construction quality. In view of this, based on the author's working experience, this paper first discusses the construction quality control and characteristics of construction engineering, and then analyzes the construction quality control measures from the three stages of pre construction, middle construction and completion acceptance, It tries to make a modest contribution to the practical and effective guarantee of the good quality of China's Construction Engineering and the good quality of China's construction engineering.
Key words: Construction Engineering; Construction quality; Control; characteristic; measures

"摘 要进入新时期以来进入新时期以来,得益" 的相关翻译

摘 要进入新时期以来进入新时期以来,得益于我国经济社会高速增长,建筑工程作为重要的基础性配套工程而得到了极大程度地发展,相比于以往相比于以往,其不论是建设规模还是体量均有着很大地增加。在这种情况下,社会对于建筑工程施工质量要求不断提升,因而这就要求广大建筑企业必须采取相应控制措施确保其施工质量就要求广大建筑企业必须采取相应控制措施确保其施工质量。有鉴于此,本文在充分结合笔者工作实践经验基础上,首先对建筑工程施工质量控制以及特点进行论述工程施工质量控制以及特点进行论述,随后在从施工前、中以及竣工验收这三个阶段分析其施工质量控制措施,力图为切实有效地保障我国建筑工程实现良好质量贡献绵薄之力地保障我国建筑工程实现良好质量贡献绵薄之力。关键词:建筑工程;施工质量;控制;特点;措施用英语怎么说? Abstract Since entering the new era, thanks to the rapid growth of China's economy and society, construction engineering, as an important basic supporting project, has developed to a great extent. Compared with the past, its construction scale and volume have increased greatly. In this case, the social requirements for the construction quality of construction projects are constantly improving, which requires the majority of construction enterprises to take corresponding control measures to ensure their construction quality, and requires the majority of construction enterprises to take corresponding control measures to ensure their construction quality. In view of this, based on the author's working experience, this paper first discusses the construction quality control and characteristics of construction engineering, and then analyzes the construction quality control measures from the three stages of pre construction, middle construction and completion acceptance, It tries to make a modest contribution to the practical and effective guarantee of the good quality of China's Construction Engineering and the good quality of China's construction engineering. Key words: Construction Engineering; Construction quality; Control; characteristic; measures

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