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"小班幼儿" 的英语翻译




Small class children

"小班幼儿" 的相关翻译

小班幼儿用英语怎么说? Small class children

区域活动是教育者在幼儿园内根据幼儿身心发展的状况,以幼儿的兴趣为中心,在创设活动内容的过程中为幼儿提供不同的活动材料,促使幼儿自主选择活动区域进行自由活动的一种教学活动。亲社会行为则是指有利于他人和社会的行为,包括助人、安慰、分享、合作等。目前,对于幼儿的亲社会行为的研究较多,但在区域活动与亲社会行为俩个领域相结合的研究比较少。本次研究旨在运用区域活动的创设影响小班幼儿亲社会行为的发展,主要采用问卷调查法和案例分析法等进行多方面的资料收集,通过对研究资料进行归纳整理并分析,发现小班幼儿在区域活动中亲社会行为的发展存在以下问题:区域活动中材料投放的数量种类较少,新异度低,幼儿间不爱分享;小班幼儿因年龄特点缺乏与人交往技巧;教师缺乏在区域活动中对小班幼儿亲社会行为的指导;区域活动中的环境创设不符合幼儿亲社会行为的发展需要。根据对问题的深度研究和分析,发现区域活动的设计与安排、教师的指导以及小班幼儿自身因素为主要的影响因素。因此,我从有针对性的提高幼儿、教师指导和区域活动的创设三个方面出发,对区域活动中,提高小班幼儿亲社会行为发展提出了促进建议。用英语怎么说? Regional activity is a kind of teaching activity that educators provide children with different activity materials in the process of creating activity content according to the physical and mental development of children, focusing on children's interests, so as to promote children to choose activity areas for free activities. Prosocial behavior refers to the behavior that is beneficial to others and society, including helping others, comforting, sharing, cooperation and so on. At present, there are many studies on children's prosocial behavior, but there are few studies on the combination of regional activities and prosocial behavior. The purpose of this study is to use the creation of regional activities to affect the development of prosocial behavior of small class children. It mainly uses questionnaire survey and case analysis to collect various data, and summarizes and analyzes the research data, It is found that there are the following problems in the development of prosocial behavior of small class children in regional activities: there are few types of materials in regional activities, the degree of novelty is low, and children don't like to share; Small class children lack communication skills due to age characteristics; Teachers lack guidance on the prosocial behavior of small class children in regional activities; The creation of environment in regional activities does not meet the development needs of children's prosocial behavior. According to the in-depth research and analysis of the problem, it is found that the design and arrangement of regional activities, teachers' guidance and small class children's own factors are the main influencing factors. Therefore, I put forward some suggestions to improve the development of prosocial behavior of small class children in regional activities from three aspects: targeted improvement of children, teacher guidance and the creation of regional activities.

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