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"目的:本研究旨在了解老年脑卒中患者就医现" 的英语翻译




Objective: the purpose of this study is to understand the medical status of elderly stroke patients; To analyze the influencing factors of medical delay in elderly stroke patients. To provide objective basis for reducing the occurrence of medical delay; Put forward relevant improvement suggestions to shorten the medical treatment time, strengthen the popularization of stroke related knowledge, and provide guiding significance for clinical practice. 
Methods: questionnaire was used to collect data. Using the cross-sectional survey method, 104 elderly patients with ischemic stroke were selected as the survey objects, all of whom voluntarily participated in the research work. Use spss24 0 software for statistical analysis.
Results: the single factors affecting the medical delay of elderly stroke patients were the distance from the place of onset to the general hospital, the measures taken after onset, and the way to reach the hospital. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that measures taken after the onset of the disease were the main factors.
Conclusion: in view of the existing problems, countermeasures should be put forward to promote the health education of stroke in various forms, especially to strengthen the health education of taking measures after the onset of stroke, so as to reduce the occurrence of delayed medical treatment of stroke.

"目的:本研究旨在了解老年脑卒中患者就医现" 的相关翻译

目的:本研究旨在了解老年脑卒中患者就医现状;分析导致老年脑卒中患者就医延迟的影响因素。为减少就医延迟的发生提供客观依据;提出相关改进建议,以缩短就医时间,加强脑卒中相关知识的普及对临床提供指导意义。方法:采用问卷调查法,设置问卷收集资料。采用横断面调查方法,选取104名老年缺血性脑卒中患者作为调查对象,均经患者本人自愿参加研究调查工作。使用SPSS24.0软件进行统计学分析。结果:影响老年脑卒中患者就医延迟的单因素有发病地点距离综合医院的距离、发病后采取措施、何种方式到达医院三个因素。多元线性回归分析结果显示,发病后采取措施是主要的因素。结论:针对现存问题提出对策,要通过多种形式促进脑卒中的健康教育,尤其要加强发病后采取措施的健康教育,减少脑卒中就医延迟的发生。用英语怎么说? Objective: the purpose of this study is to understand the medical status of elderly stroke patients; To analyze the influencing factors of medical delay in elderly stroke patients. To provide objective basis for reducing the occurrence of medical delay; Put forward relevant improvement suggestions to shorten the medical treatment time, strengthen the popularization of stroke related knowledge, and provide guiding significance for clinical practice.  Methods: questionnaire was used to collect data. Using the cross-sectional survey method, 104 elderly patients with ischemic stroke were selected as the survey objects, all of whom voluntarily participated in the research work. Use spss24 0 software for statistical analysis. Results: the single factors affecting the medical delay of elderly stroke patients were the distance from the place of onset to the general hospital, the measures taken after onset, and the way to reach the hospital. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that measures taken after the onset of the disease were the main factors. Conclusion: in view of the existing problems, countermeasures should be put forward to promote the health education of stroke in various forms, especially to strengthen the health education of taking measures after the onset of stroke, so as to reduce the occurrence of delayed medical treatment of stroke.

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