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"此客人为魏女士,入住因疫情及治安法规定一" 的英语翻译




This guest is Ms. Wei. One guest and one registration are required by the epidemic situation and public security law. This lady has used the convenience of the hotel for many times to sneak into the room. The front desk has communicated for many times that the code must be scanned for temperature measurement and registration during the epidemic situation. This lady did not cooperate. Later, due to the need for spare parts for bathing, the hotel communicated with a man in the room and needed a woman to go downstairs for registration. After the man agreed, the woman checked out free of charge on the grounds that she did not provide spare parts. The hotel checked that the room had been opened for more than 6 hours and all the rooms were used. The hotel declined. The hotel has no GA account at present due to frequent replacement of general manager. So we can't reply. Hope to understand.

"此客人为魏女士,入住因疫情及治安法规定一" 的相关翻译

此客人为魏女士,入住因疫情及治安法规定一客一登记,此女士多次利用酒店便利条件,偷偷到房间,前台多次沟通疫情期间必须扫码测温登记,此女士均不配合,后因洗澡需要备品,酒店在此与房间一位男士沟通需女士下楼登记。男士表示同意后,此女士以不提供备品为由进行免房费退房要淾,经酒店检查开房已超过6小时,房间全部使用。酒店谢绝。酒店由于更换总经理频繁目前无GA帐号。故无法GA回复。希望理解。用英语怎么说? This guest is Ms. Wei. One guest and one registration are required by the epidemic situation and public security law. This lady has used the convenience of the hotel for many times to sneak into the room. The front desk has communicated for many times that the code must be scanned for temperature measurement and registration during the epidemic situation. This lady did not cooperate. Later, due to the need for spare parts for bathing, the hotel communicated with a man in the room and needed a woman to go downstairs for registration. After the man agreed, the woman checked out free of charge on the grounds that she did not provide spare parts. The hotel checked that the room had been opened for more than 6 hours and all the rooms were used. The hotel declined. The hotel has no GA account at present due to frequent replacement of general manager. So we can't reply. Hope to understand.

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