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"有一天,太阳们觉得太无聊就一起上天游玩。" 的英语翻译




One day, the Suns felt so bored that they went to heaven to play together. People screamed under the exposure of ten suns, killing and wounding countless people. A hunter named Hou Yi couldn't bear to be teased by the sun, so he went through all kinds of hardships to the South China Sea. He bent his bow and arrow at the sun and shot nine. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky, making the temperature suitable for people to live. Everyone praised Hou Yi as a great hero who did harm to the people. That's the end of my story. Thank you.

"有一天,太阳们觉得太无聊就一起上天游玩。" 的相关翻译

有一天,太阳们觉得太无聊就一起上天游玩。人们在十个太阳的暴晒下叫苦连天,死伤无数。一位叫后羿的猎人不忍大家被太阳们戏弄,于是历尽千辛万苦来到了南海。他弯弓搭箭瞄准太阳,射下九个。最后天上只剩下一个太阳,使温度适宜人们居住。大家都称赞后羿是一个为民除害的大英雄。我的故事到此结束,谢谢大家。用英语怎么说? One day, the Suns felt so bored that they went to heaven to play together. People screamed under the exposure of ten suns, killing and wounding countless people. A hunter named Hou Yi couldn't bear to be teased by the sun, so he went through all kinds of hardships to the South China Sea. He bent his bow and arrow at the sun and shot nine. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky, making the temperature suitable for people to live. Everyone praised Hou Yi as a great hero who did harm to the people. That's the end of my story. Thank you.

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