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"摘 要:随着职称制度改革的不断深化推进," 的英语翻译


摘 要:随着职称制度改革的不断深化推进,高职院校在教师系列职称评聘中获得了广泛的自主权,基于对天津现代职业技术学院教师职称评价体系的现状分析,分析出现评价标准滞后、评价方式唯量化唯分化、聘后管理缺失等问题。探索该校破“五唯”背景下教师职称评价体系优化设计,建立更为科学合理、公平公正、具有激励性的职称评价标准,引领教师成长发展,为同类型的高职院校职称评价体系提供可借鉴的经验。


Abstract: with the deepening of the reform of the professional title system, higher vocational colleges have gained extensive autonomy in the evaluation and employment of teachers' series professional titles. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the evaluation system of teachers' professional titles in Tianjin Modern Vocational and technical college, it is analyzed that there are some problems, such as lagging evaluation standards, quantitative and differentiation evaluation methods, lack of post employment management and so on. Explore the optimal design of teachers' Professional Title Evaluation System under the background of breaking the "five only", establish a more scientific, reasonable, fair and incentive professional title evaluation standard, guide teachers' growth and development, and provide reference experience for the professional title evaluation system of the same type of higher vocational colleges.

"摘 要:随着职称制度改革的不断深化推进," 的相关翻译

摘 要:随着职称制度改革的不断深化推进,高职院校在教师系列职称评聘中获得了广泛的自主权,基于对天津现代职业技术学院教师职称评价体系的现状分析,分析出现评价标准滞后、评价方式唯量化唯分化、聘后管理缺失等问题。探索该校破“五唯”背景下教师职称评价体系优化设计,建立更为科学合理、公平公正、具有激励性的职称评价标准,引领教师成长发展,为同类型的高职院校职称评价体系提供可借鉴的经验。用英语怎么说? Abstract: with the deepening of the reform of the professional title system, higher vocational colleges have gained extensive autonomy in the evaluation and employment of teachers' series professional titles. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the evaluation system of teachers' professional titles in Tianjin Modern Vocational and technical college, it is analyzed that there are some problems, such as lagging evaluation standards, quantitative and differentiation evaluation methods, lack of post employment management and so on. Explore the optimal design of teachers' Professional Title Evaluation System under the background of breaking the "five only", establish a more scientific, reasonable, fair and incentive professional title evaluation standard, guide teachers' growth and development, and provide reference experience for the professional title evaluation system of the same type of higher vocational colleges.

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