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"摘 要:随着老龄化的加深和人民生活水平的" 的英语翻译


摘 要:随着老龄化的加深和人民生活水平的提高,我国老龄人口的养老需求,由单一的物质养老向精神文化养老转变。老年教育作为精神文化养老的重要载体,呈现出快速兴起的势头,但它同样也带来一些问题。如退休的老年人想再次获得一门学习技能经验的途径,现成为困扰老年人再学习的一项难题。当下,一些医疗养老机构市场,推出一些捆绑、不灵活、交通不便的消费式套餐捆绑。如何实现健康、足不出户的安养健康的银龄学堂,已成为一项具有研究意义的实践课题。故本课题设计了“银龄培训创业项目”报告,该项目采用线上线下结合的经营模式,线上依托第三方电商平台提供购买渠道,线下社区开展对外销售课程培训,并提供各种创新服务,我们会让安全、健康、颐养天年成为老年人的“精神寄托”让舒适、便捷的各类课程给老年人们带来更多欢乐。


Abstract: with the deepening of aging and the improvement of people's living standards, the pension needs of China's elderly population have changed from a single material pension to spiritual and cultural pension. As an important carrier of spiritual and cultural pension, elderly education shows a momentum of rapid rise, but it also brings some problems. For example, the way for the retired elderly to obtain a learning skill experience again has become a difficult problem for the elderly to learn again. At present, some medical and elderly care institutions have launched some bundled, inflexible and inconvenient consumer packages in the market. How to realize a healthy and healthy Yinling school without leaving home has become a practical topic of research significance. Relying on the online and offline "e-commerce" training platform, we can provide more convenient "e-commerce training for the elderly" and offline "e-commerce" services for the elderly, so as to provide us with more convenient online and offline "e-commerce" courses.

"摘 要:随着老龄化的加深和人民生活水平的" 的相关翻译

摘 要:随着老龄化的加深和人民生活水平的提高,我国老龄人口的养老需求,由单一的物质养老向精神文化养老转变。老年教育作为精神文化养老的重要载体,呈现出快速兴起的势头,但它同样也带来一些问题。如退休的老年人想再次获得一门学习技能经验的途径,现成为困扰老年人再学习的一项难题。当下,一些医疗养老机构市场,推出一些捆绑、不灵活、交通不便的消费式套餐捆绑。如何实现健康、足不出户的安养健康的银龄学堂,已成为一项具有研究意义的实践课题。故本课题设计了“银龄培训创业项目”报告,该项目采用线上线下结合的经营模式,线上依托第三方电商平台提供购买渠道,线下社区开展对外销售课程培训,并提供各种创新服务,我们会让安全、健康、颐养天年成为老年人的“精神寄托”让舒适、便捷的各类课程给老年人们带来更多欢乐。用英语怎么说? Abstract: with the deepening of aging and the improvement of people's living standards, the pension needs of China's elderly population have changed from a single material pension to spiritual and cultural pension. As an important carrier of spiritual and cultural pension, elderly education shows a momentum of rapid rise, but it also brings some problems. For example, the way for the retired elderly to obtain a learning skill experience again has become a difficult problem for the elderly to learn again. At present, some medical and elderly care institutions have launched some bundled, inflexible and inconvenient consumer packages in the market. How to realize a healthy and healthy Yinling school without leaving home has become a practical topic of research significance. Relying on the online and offline "e-commerce" training platform, we can provide more convenient "e-commerce training for the elderly" and offline "e-commerce" services for the elderly, so as to provide us with more convenient online and offline "e-commerce" courses.

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