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"张炎是宋末元初的一位著名词人。他不凡的身" 的英语翻译




Zhang Yan is a famous poet in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty. His extraordinary life experience has had a profound impact on his ci creation. His ci selection and sentence making are detailed, beautiful and clear. It has the reputation of "home white stone and household Yutian". The poem of white clouds in the mountains consists of eight volumes, 90% of which were written after the fall of the enemy. The words are simple and interesting, the sound is clean and coherent, and the artistic expression is very high.
This paper uses the image analysis method to classify and analyze the words and sentences of "rain" in the words, and then through the methods of literature, induction and summary, combined with the poet's time background and life experience at that time, analyzes the poet's sadness about his life experience, the collapse of the country and the loss of his family, the lack of sustenance of personal emotion, and so on, and uses "rain" to vent his emotions like a drizzle. Compared with other poets, the image of "rain" in the Ci of white clouds in the mountains shows a more miserable and cold tone. The image of "rain" has been chanted by scholars of all dynasties, and has become a symbol, condensing the poet's spiritual connotation and emotional sustenance.

"张炎是宋末元初的一位著名词人。他不凡的身" 的相关翻译

张炎是宋末元初的一位著名词人。他不凡的身世经历对其词学创作产生了深刻的影响,其词遣词造句细致入微,流丽清畅。有“家白石而户玉田”之美誉。《山中白云词》共八卷,其中百分之九十是在沦陷之后写成的。词中文字简单有趣,声音干净连贯,艺术表现力极高。本文运用了意象分析法对词中出现“雨”的词句进行了分类分析,再通过文献资料法、归纳总结法并结合词人当时的时代背景和身世经历分析词中“雨”所寄托词人对身世遭遇、国破家亡的哀痛,个人情感的无处寄托等等,用“雨”将自己的情感如丝细雨般地宣泄出来。《山中白云词》中“雨”意象与其他词人相比更多地表现出一种凄惨阴冷的色调。而“雨”意象经过历代文人的不断吟咏,已经变为一种象征符号,凝结了词人的精神内涵和情感寄托。用英语怎么说? Zhang Yan is a famous poet in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty. His extraordinary life experience has had a profound impact on his ci creation. His ci selection and sentence making are detailed, beautiful and clear. It has the reputation of "home white stone and household Yutian". The poem of white clouds in the mountains consists of eight volumes, 90% of which were written after the fall of the enemy. The words are simple and interesting, the sound is clean and coherent, and the artistic expression is very high. This paper uses the image analysis method to classify and analyze the words and sentences of "rain" in the words, and then through the methods of literature, induction and summary, combined with the poet's time background and life experience at that time, analyzes the poet's sadness about his life experience, the collapse of the country and the loss of his family, the lack of sustenance of personal emotion, and so on, and uses "rain" to vent his emotions like a drizzle. Compared with other poets, the image of "rain" in the Ci of white clouds in the mountains shows a more miserable and cold tone. The image of "rain" has been chanted by scholars of all dynasties, and has become a symbol, condensing the poet's spiritual connotation and emotional sustenance.

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