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"《根鸟》是曹文轩继《草房子》、《红瓦》之" 的英语翻译




"Root bird" is an illusory and realistic "initiation novel" created by Cao Wenxuan after "grass house" and "red tile". The novel mainly tells the story of a teenager growing up in pursuit of dreams. This paper will analyze the significance of Cao Wenxuan's writing "root bird" from the perspective of growth theme. This paper is divided into five parts: the introduction briefly describes the basic definition of initiation story and the plot of Cao Wenxuan's root bird, and puts forward the research significance and research angle of this paper. The first part mainly analyzes the growth theme in Cao Wenxuan's root bird. According to the plot of "root bird", this paper analyzes the reasons for the protagonist's growth, the protagonist's growth experience and the protagonist's growth harvest. The second part mainly analyzes the writing method of growth theme in Cao Wenxuan's root bird. From the perspective of youth, Cao Wenxuan uses poetic language writing and appropriate images to reveal the essence of the growth process. The third part mainly analyzes the significance of growth theme writing in Cao Wenxuan's root bird. Cao Wenxuan's "root bird" is a very excellent initiation novel. Relevant writers can get the skills of initiation novel writing, children can get the experience of growth, and other readers can learn from the book and understand the mysteries of life. The conclusion summarizes the full text and summarizes the writing of the growth theme in Cao Wenxuan's root bird.

"《根鸟》是曹文轩继《草房子》、《红瓦》之" 的相关翻译

《根鸟》是曹文轩继《草房子》、《红瓦》之后,创作的一部虚幻而又具有浓重现实感的“成长小说”。该小说主要讲述了一个少年在追梦中成长的故事。本文将从成长主题的角度出发,分析曹文轩书写《根鸟》的意义。本文分为五个部分:引言简述成长小说的基本定义,曹文轩《根鸟》的故事情节,并提出本文的研究意义和研究角度。第一部分主要分析曹文轩《根鸟》中所表现出的成长主题。根据《根鸟》的剧情分析主角成长开始的原因、主角成长的经历和主角成长的收获。第二部分主要分析曹文轩《根鸟》中成长主题书写的方法。曹文轩以少年的视角出发,诗化的语言写作,并运用合适的意象显露出成长过程的本质。第三部分主要分析曹文轩《根鸟》中成长主题书写的意义。曹文轩的《根鸟》是一部十分优秀的成长小说,相关作家可以获得成长小说写作的技巧,孩子可以获得成长的经验,其他读者可以从书中明鉴,体悟生活的奥妙。结语部分对全文进行总结,概括曹文轩《根鸟》中成长主题的书写。用英语怎么说? "Root bird" is an illusory and realistic "initiation novel" created by Cao Wenxuan after "grass house" and "red tile". The novel mainly tells the story of a teenager growing up in pursuit of dreams. This paper will analyze the significance of Cao Wenxuan's writing "root bird" from the perspective of growth theme. This paper is divided into five parts: the introduction briefly describes the basic definition of initiation story and the plot of Cao Wenxuan's root bird, and puts forward the research significance and research angle of this paper. The first part mainly analyzes the growth theme in Cao Wenxuan's root bird. According to the plot of "root bird", this paper analyzes the reasons for the protagonist's growth, the protagonist's growth experience and the protagonist's growth harvest. The second part mainly analyzes the writing method of growth theme in Cao Wenxuan's root bird. From the perspective of youth, Cao Wenxuan uses poetic language writing and appropriate images to reveal the essence of the growth process. The third part mainly analyzes the significance of growth theme writing in Cao Wenxuan's root bird. Cao Wenxuan's "root bird" is a very excellent initiation novel. Relevant writers can get the skills of initiation novel writing, children can get the experience of growth, and other readers can learn from the book and understand the mysteries of life. The conclusion summarizes the full text and summarizes the writing of the growth theme in Cao Wenxuan's root bird.

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