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"近几年了,由于人们的环保意识差,使得环境" 的英语翻译




In recent years, due to people's poor awareness of environmental protection, the environment has been heavily polluted. In addition, people cut down a large number of forests, resulting in the occurrence of debris flow and the discharge of a large amount of waste gas and wastewater, which has seriously damaged all kinds of ecological environment.
It is urgent to protect the environment. It is well known that the air has changed greatly in recent years. It is still very cold in summer, but not cold in winter. Why?
Now even our living environment has been seriously polluted. Take some rivers in our hometown for example. I remember when I was a child, these rivers were clear to the bottom, and there were a lot of fish swimming. At that time, we all tied clothes in the river. In summer, when the weather was hot, we went to the river to catch fish. At that time, there were a lot of fish, and we could catch a pound in less than an hour. When we have time, we will come to the river for entertainment. It's really a good place to play. But as time goes by, the once cool river has now turned into black smelly water, and the fish in the river have slowly died. For a long time, there was no one to take care of and pay attention to. The river was slowly dry, and layers of moss grew at the bottom of the river. Only when people approached, they would ask about a strong smell. Now no one will go there to play. Some families living by the river also got sick because they asked about the smell for a long time. Especially in recent years, the pollution of rivers is more serious, and the continuous deterioration of the environment has finally attracted some attention of government organs. People also actively cooperate with the work of government organs and organize people to rebuild them. Now construction has begun. Look forward to seeing the original appearance of the river in the near future.
Nowadays, with the continuous development of social industry, not only the environment in some places has been polluted, but also the global environment has been damaged, and the global environment is getting worse and worse. The earth's forest coverage is decreasing, and the land use area is also decreasing. There are more and more natural disasters such as wind and sand, drought and flood, and all living creatures around us are also disappearing. The fresh air is disappearing, the clear river is disappearing, the fertile toast is disappearing, the beautiful flowers and trees are also disappearing, and the living creature is also disappearing. Now winter is getting warmer and warmer, summer is getting hotter and hotter, and the global temperature is rising. The continuous development of industry and the extensive use of coal, oil and other fuels have produced too much carbon dioxide, which has destroyed the ozone layer on the earth, the global temperature continues to rise, icebergs are melting, sea levels are rising and so on.
With the continuous development of social economy, people only pursue immediate interests and ignore the protection of the environment. For example, with a large number of cattle and sheep breeding, the grassland has been damaged, the grassland has become a desert, the number and scale of wind and dust storms have increased, and the desert area of the world is also increasing.
Nature has sounded the alarm for mankind. We can't go on like this. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Our vision is also focused on the future. We look at human beings and nature from the perspective of sustainable development. We should work together to improve the environment. Even as a very ordinary citizen, we all have the obligation to protect the environment. We should start from the small things around us, from me, not spitting everywhere, not littering, not discharging sewage, etc. only by doing a good job in the environment, can we have a superior living environment and really enjoy life.

"近几年了,由于人们的环保意识差,使得环境" 的相关翻译

近几年了,由于人们的环保意识差,使得环境受到了大量的污染,还有人们大量砍伐森林,导致了泥石流的发生,大量排放废气废水,使得各种生态环境都受到了严重的破坏。环境保护刻不容缓,现在几年中,空气变化之大,人人皆知,就看现在夏天,还没有变热,还是很冷,而冬天呢,却不冷,却很热,这是为什么?现在就连我们的生活环境也遭到了严重的污染。就拿我们家乡的一些河流来说吧。我记得小时候,这些河流清澈见底,还有很多的鱼在游动,那时候,我们都在河里系衣服,到了夏天,天气热了,我们就到河里捉鱼,那时候鱼很多,不到一个小时,就可以捉到一斤。我们有空就会不约而同就来到河里娱乐,那里真的是游玩的好地方。但是随着时间的慢慢消失,从前清凉的河水如今变成了乌黑的臭水,河里的鱼也慢慢地死掉了。长时间的无人料理与关注,河水也慢慢地干旱了,河底还生长了一层层密密麻麻的青苔,只有人走近就会问到一股很浓的臭味,现在谁也不再去那里游玩了。住在河边的一些人家由于长期问到这种气味,还导致了生病。特别是近几年来,河流的污染更是严重,环境的不断恶化,终于引起了政府机关的一些重视,人们也积极地配合政府机关的工作,组织起人们来重建它们,现在已经开始动工了。期待在不远的日子,又可以看见河流原来的面貌。如今,随着社会工业的不断发展,不单单某些地方的环境遭到了污染,现在全球的环境也受到了破坏,全球的环境越来越不及过去了。地球的森林覆盖率在减少,土地的使用面积也在减少,风沙、干旱、洪涝等等各种自然灾害的出现次数越来越多,而生活在我们周围的一切生物也在消失。清新的空气在消失,清澈的河水在消失,肥沃的土司在消失,斑斓的花草树木也在消失,鲜活的这种生物也在消失。如今冬天越来越温暖,夏季越来越热,全球的气温在不断上升。工业的不断发展,煤石油等燃料的大量使用,产生了过多的二氧化碳,使得地球上的臭氧层遭到了破坏,全球的气温持续上升,冰山在融化,海平面在上升等等。随着社会经济的不断发展,人们只追求眼前的利益而忽视了对环境的保护。比如说大量的养殖牛羊,草原遭到了破坏,草原变成了沙漠,风尘暴出现的次数增加、规模变大,全球的沙漠面积也在增加。大自然已经在给人类敲响了警钟,我们不能够再这样下去了,保护环境,人人有责。我们的眼光也着眼于未来,用可持续发展的观点看待人类与自然界,我们要同心竭力把环境搞好。就算是作为一名很平凡的公民,我们都有义务保护环境,我们要从身边的小事做起,从我做起,不随地吐痰,不乱扔垃圾,不排放污水等等,只有把环境搞好了,我们才有优越的生活环境,才能够真正的享受生活。用英语怎么说? In recent years, due to people's poor awareness of environmental protection, the environment has been heavily polluted. In addition, people cut down a large number of forests, resulting in the occurrence of debris flow and the discharge of a large amount of waste gas and wastewater, which has seriously damaged all kinds of ecological environment. It is urgent to protect the environment. It is well known that the air has changed greatly in recent years. It is still very cold in summer, but not cold in winter. Why? Now even our living environment has been seriously polluted. Take some rivers in our hometown for example. I remember when I was a child, these rivers were clear to the bottom, and there were a lot of fish swimming. At that time, we all tied clothes in the river. In summer, when the weather was hot, we went to the river to catch fish. At that time, there were a lot of fish, and we could catch a pound in less than an hour. When we have time, we will come to the river for entertainment. It's really a good place to play. But as time goes by, the once cool river has now turned into black smelly water, and the fish in the river have slowly died. For a long time, there was no one to take care of and pay attention to. The river was slowly dry, and layers of moss grew at the bottom of the river. Only when people approached, they would ask about a strong smell. Now no one will go there to play. Some families living by the river also got sick because they asked about the smell for a long time. Especially in recent years, the pollution of rivers is more serious, and the continuous deterioration of the environment has finally attracted some attention of government organs. People also actively cooperate with the work of government organs and organize people to rebuild them. Now construction has begun. Look forward to seeing the original appearance of the river in the near future. Nowadays, with the continuous development of social industry, not only the environment in some places has been polluted, but also the global environment has been damaged, and the global environment is getting worse and worse. The earth's forest coverage is decreasing, and the land use area is also decreasing. There are more and more natural disasters such as wind and sand, drought and flood, and all living creatures around us are also disappearing. The fresh air is disappearing, the clear river is disappearing, the fertile toast is disappearing, the beautiful flowers and trees are also disappearing, and the living creature is also disappearing. Now winter is getting warmer and warmer, summer is getting hotter and hotter, and the global temperature is rising. The continuous development of industry and the extensive use of coal, oil and other fuels have produced too much carbon dioxide, which has destroyed the ozone layer on the earth, the global temperature continues to rise, icebergs are melting, sea levels are rising and so on. With the continuous development of social economy, people only pursue immediate interests and ignore the protection of the environment. For example, with a large number of cattle and sheep breeding, the grassland has been damaged, the grassland has become a desert, the number and scale of wind and dust storms have increased, and the desert area of the world is also increasing. Nature has sounded the alarm for mankind. We can't go on like this. Everyone is responsible for protecting the environment. Our vision is also focused on the future. We look at human beings and nature from the perspective of sustainable development. We should work together to improve the environment. Even as a very ordinary citizen, we all have the obligation to protect the environment. We should start from the small things around us, from me, not spitting everywhere, not littering, not discharging sewage, etc. only by doing a good job in the environment, can we have a superior living environment and really enjoy life.

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