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"I agree with this se" 的中文翻译


I agree with this sentence. In the study and life of graduate students, we will often encounter many setbacks and hardships, such as the pressure of exams, the incomprehension of family members, endless experiments and psychological factors. These factors are full of our lives, but we must go through these difficult days. After going through them, you will find that the things that were about to kill you at that time, So many situations you think you are going to be unable to sustain will gradually get better. Life in the world can not be plain sailing. There will always be many thorns. As long as you are still alive, those are just additives to make your heart stronger. It's like watching the scenery on the top of the mountain. You can only reach the peak and enjoy the beautiful scenery if you stick to it and overcome many difficulties. I hope everyone can overcome all difficulties and move forward bravely. I gradually understand that fluctuation and reincarnation are the essence of life. It doesn't matter if you live a smooth life
,There is absolutely no barrier that cannot be overcome. Just like the alternating seasons, after winter, it must be spring.



"I agree with this se" 的相关翻译

I agree with this sentence. In the study and life of graduate students, we will often encounter many setbacks and hardships, such as the pressure of exams, the incomprehension of family members, endless experiments and psychological factors. These factors are full of our lives, but we must go through these difficult days. After going through them, you will find that the things that were about to kill you at that time, So many situations you think you are going to be unable to sustain will gradually get better. Life in the world can not be plain sailing. There will always be many thorns. As long as you are still alive, those are just additives to make your heart stronger. It's like watching the scenery on the top of the mountain. You can only reach the peak and enjoy the beautiful scenery if you stick to it and overcome many difficulties. I hope everyone can overcome all difficulties and move forward bravely. I gradually understand that fluctuation and reincarnation are the essence of life. It doesn't matter if you live a smooth life,There is absolutely no barrier that cannot be overcome. Just like the alternating seasons, after winter, it must be spring.用中文怎么说? 我同意这句话。在研究生的学习和生活中,我们经常会遇到很多挫折和困难,比如考试的压力、家人的不理解、没完没了的实验和心理因素。这些因素充斥着我们的生活,但我们必须度过这些艰难的日子。在经历了这些之后,你会发现,那些当时将要杀死你的事情,那么多你认为你无法承受的情况,会逐渐变得更好。人生不可能一帆风顺。总会有很多荆棘。只要你还活着,这些只是让你的心脏更强壮的添加剂。就像在山顶上看风景一样。如果你坚持下去,克服许多困难,你才能到达顶峰,欣赏美丽的风景。我希望每个人都能克服一切困难,勇往直前。我逐渐明白,波动和轮回是生命的本质。不管你生活是否顺利, 绝对没有无法克服的障碍。就像季节交替一样,冬天过后一定是春天。

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