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"大学的室友都是来自全国各地,每个人与每个" 的英语翻译


一个宿舍肯定有和你关系最好的,也有你看不惯的,但是我们住在同一间屋子, 不要去搞分裂,而是要把室友团结在一起。


College roommates come from all over the country. Everyone's living habits are somewhat different from each other. For roommates who are very different from their own living habits, tolerance and understanding are the most correct choice.
We live under the same roof. It is inevitable that quarrels and disputes sometimes occur. In order not to produce unnecessary contradictions, we take a step back. Many contradictions are just open. After the quarrel, we are still brothers
A dormitory must have the best relationship with you and some you don't like, but we live in the same room. Don't split up, but unite our roommates.
Don't try anything with your roommates. They are the most reliable partners in your four years of college. Everyone likes honest people and sincere people, not hypocritical people.

"大学的室友都是来自全国各地,每个人与每个" 的相关翻译

大学的室友都是来自全国各地,每个人与每个人的生活习惯多少会有些差异,对于和自己生活习惯相差很大的室友,包容和理解是最正确的选择。我们生活在同一个屋檐下,难免有时候会产生口角和争执,为了不产生不必要的矛盾,退一步海阔天空,很多矛盾都是说开就好了,吵完架以后还是兄弟一个宿舍肯定有和你关系最好的,也有你看不惯的,但是我们住在同一间屋子, 不要去搞分裂,而是要把室友团结在一起。和自己的室友不要什什么心机,他们是你大学四年最可靠的伙伴的,每个人都喜欢坦诚的人,以及真心实意的人,而不是虚伪的人。用英语怎么说? College roommates come from all over the country. Everyone's living habits are somewhat different from each other. For roommates who are very different from their own living habits, tolerance and understanding are the most correct choice. We live under the same roof. It is inevitable that quarrels and disputes sometimes occur. In order not to produce unnecessary contradictions, we take a step back. Many contradictions are just open. After the quarrel, we are still brothers A dormitory must have the best relationship with you and some you don't like, but we live in the same room. Don't split up, but unite our roommates. Don't try anything with your roommates. They are the most reliable partners in your four years of college. Everyone likes honest people and sincere people, not hypocritical people.

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