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"如今,随着人们的生活水平越来越高,葡萄酒" 的英语翻译




Nowadays, as people's living standards are getting higher and higher, wine has entered people's lives. People love not only Baijiu but also beer, and wine is divided into many varieties, among which sparkling wine is a fashion and trend. In order to cater to the public and the market, I designed a process system with an annual output of 2500 tons of sparkling wine. The traditional process is complicated, so I designed a more reasonable process. In addition to the characteristics of high production efficiency, good quality and less investment, it also controls some costs, such as water, electricity, plant and worker savings. The generated environmental pollution is small, which protects the environment to the greatest extent. This is a set of scientific, advanced and implementable technological process. I chose a suitable plant site with convenient transportation and suitable climate and environment.

"如今,随着人们的生活水平越来越高,葡萄酒" 的相关翻译

如今,随着人们的生活水平越来越高,葡萄酒进入到人们的生活当中,人们钟爱的不单单是白酒还有啤酒了,而葡萄酒又分为很多品种,其中起泡葡萄酒更是一种时尚与潮流,为了迎合大众还有市场,我设计了一种年产2500吨起泡葡萄酒的工艺系统。传统的工艺流程较为繁琐复杂,所以我设计了一套更为合理的工艺流程。除了具备生产效率高,品质好,投资少的特点外,还有着对一些成本的控制比如水,电,厂房,工人的节约。产生的环境污染小,最大限度地保护了环境。这是一套科学的,先进的和可实施的工艺流程。我选择了合适的厂址,交通便利,气候环境适宜。用英语怎么说? Nowadays, as people's living standards are getting higher and higher, wine has entered people's lives. People love not only Baijiu but also beer, and wine is divided into many varieties, among which sparkling wine is a fashion and trend. In order to cater to the public and the market, I designed a process system with an annual output of 2500 tons of sparkling wine. The traditional process is complicated, so I designed a more reasonable process. In addition to the characteristics of high production efficiency, good quality and less investment, it also controls some costs, such as water, electricity, plant and worker savings. The generated environmental pollution is small, which protects the environment to the greatest extent. This is a set of scientific, advanced and implementable technological process. I chose a suitable plant site with convenient transportation and suitable climate and environment.

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