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"朱莉虔诚地相信三件事:树是圣洁的(特别是" 的英语翻译




Julie devoutly believes in three things: the tree is holy (especially her favorite Wutong tree), the eggs produced by her chickens in the backyard are the most hygienic, and she will kiss Bryce one day. In second grade, he hit Julie's heart the moment she saw Bryce's blue eyes. Unfortunately, Bryce never felt for her. Moreover, he thinks Julie is a little strange. How can anyone regard raising chickens and sitting under a tree as fun?
Unexpectedly, by the eighth grade, Bryce began to feel that Julie's unusual interest and pride in her family made her very attractive. Julie began to think that Bryce's beautiful blue eyes might be as empty as himself. After all, how can anyone not take other people's feelings for trees and chickens seriously

"朱莉虔诚地相信三件事:树是圣洁的(特别是" 的相关翻译

朱莉虔诚地相信三件事:树是圣洁的(特别是她最爱的梧桐树)、她在后院里饲养的鸡生出来的鸡蛋是最卫生的、以及总有一天她会和布莱斯接吻。二年级时在看到布莱斯的蓝眼睛那一瞬间,朱莉的心就被他击中了。不幸的是,布莱斯对她从来没有感觉。而且,他认为朱莉有点怪,怎么会有人把养鸡和坐在树下看成乐趣呢?没想到,到了八年级,布莱斯开始觉得朱莉不同寻常的兴趣和对于家庭的自豪感使她显得很有魅力。而朱莉则开始觉得布莱斯漂亮的蓝眼睛也许和他本人一样其实很空洞,毕竟,怎么会有人不把别人对树和鸡的感情当回事呢用英语怎么说? Julie devoutly believes in three things: the tree is holy (especially her favorite Wutong tree), the eggs produced by her chickens in the backyard are the most hygienic, and she will kiss Bryce one day. In second grade, he hit Julie's heart the moment she saw Bryce's blue eyes. Unfortunately, Bryce never felt for her. Moreover, he thinks Julie is a little strange. How can anyone regard raising chickens and sitting under a tree as fun? Unexpectedly, by the eighth grade, Bryce began to feel that Julie's unusual interest and pride in her family made her very attractive. Julie began to think that Bryce's beautiful blue eyes might be as empty as himself. After all, how can anyone not take other people's feelings for trees and chickens seriously

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