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The left pass of the pulse is large and stringy, and the right pass is slippery and large and numerous. It is a fire disease that is more than enough, not a scratch disease. Because the thick taste produces phlegm, the mellow wine helps the fire, the fire burns and phlegm surges, and the blood stasis is in the chest, so the voice is hoarse. Those who are above the blood will hurt the liver if they are angry. The liver will hold the tongue and end the Yin weapon. When the fire of the dragon thunder moves, the blood will flow up and down. The method should clear away heat, reduce qi and phlegm, guide blood back to the original, and recover in ten days. If we think that we can observe and use rehmannia and winter to cast it, we will be left. Use the true rosy clouds, Tianqu, and mountain plants to manage the stomach and phlegm, Benren and Citrus Divide the lung cavity, Taoren and Yujin stagnate the lung as ministers, Gardenia jasminoides and raw licorice as adjuncts, and talc and Cheqian用中文怎么说? 脉搏的左传是大而细的,右传是滑而大而多的。这是一种严重的火灾疾病,而不是划痕病。因为浓味生痰,醇酒助火,火灼痰涌,血瘀在胸,所以声音嘶哑。那些高于血液的人如果生气会伤害肝脏。肝会锁住舌头,终结阴兵器。当龙雷之火移动时,血液会上下流动。该方法应清热、降气、化痰,使血液恢复到原来的状态,并在十天内恢复。如果我们认为我们可以观察并使用地黄和冬天来铸造它,我们将被抛弃。用真霞、天曲、山草治胃化痰,本仁、柑橘分肺腔,桃仁、郁金为臣,栀子、生甘草为辅,滑石、车前

On the 14th flavor, under the fine pounding screening silk, to take color black, is coarse pounding yarn, storage powder bag, placed in the big son, covered with powder, sealed after seven days to take the powder fragrance to Sheng and color white, such as wanted for the incense powder, regardless of the incense of the white and black powder, despite the incense and color to black powder, must be used separately, and can not be known, powder bag with cooked silk made of double.用中文怎么说? 十四味,下细捣筛丝,取色黑,是粗捣纱,储粉袋,放在大子里,盖上粉,密封七天后取粉,香至盛而色白,如欲为香粉,不分香粉的白与黑,不分香粉与色至黑,必须单独使用,且不能知晓,粉袋用熟丝制成。

For the top 14 flavors, carefully pound and sift under the silk to take the ones with blue and black color, roughly pound them under the yarn, store them in the powder bag, put them in a large box, cover them with powder, and take them sealed after seven days. The powder smells until it is full and white. If they were meant to be fragrant powder, regardless of the black and white of the fragrance and the powder, although the powder smells but the color is black, they must be used separately, not用中文怎么说? 对于前14种口味,小心地在丝绸下面捣碎过筛,取出蓝色和黑色的,大致捣碎在纱线下面,放入粉袋,放入大盒子,盖上粉,七天后密封取出。这种粉末闻起来是白色的。如果它们是芳香粉末,不管香味和粉末的黑白,虽然粉末闻起来是黑色的,但它们必须单独使用,而不是

cover用中文怎么说? 掩蔽

Bonsai artists use air layering to prepare grafts for their white pines. A cut is made through the bark, phloem and tough cambium, but not into the xylem that carries nutrients to the branch tip, which is located around the heartwood. Pried open with a toothpick and wrapped in damp sphagnum moss covered by plastic, roots begin in the wound and fill the moss within two to three months.用中文怎么说? 盆景艺术家利用空气分层为他们的白松准备嫁接。通过树皮、韧皮部和坚韧的形成层进行切割,但不能进入木质部,木质部将营养物质输送到位于心材周围的枝梢。用牙签撬开,用塑料覆盖的湿漉漉的泥炭藓包裹,根从伤口开始,在两三个月内填满苔藓。

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