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"人工智能在五六十年代时正式提出,1950" 的英语翻译


人工智能在五六十年代时正式提出,1950年,一位名叫马文·明斯基(后被人称为“人工智能之父”)的大四学生与他的同学邓恩·埃德蒙一起,建造了世界上第一台神经网络计算机。这也被看做是人工智能的一个起点。巧合的是,同样是在1950年,被称为“计算机之父”的阿兰·图灵提出了一个举世瞩目的想法——图灵测试。按照图灵的设想:如果一台机器能够与人类开展对话而不能被辨别出机器身份,那么这台机器就具有智能。而就在这一年,图灵还大胆预言了真正具备智能机器的可行性。1956年,在由达特茅斯学院举办的一次会议上,计算机专家约翰·麦卡锡提出了“人工智能”一词。后来,这被人们看做是人工智能正式诞生的标志。就在这次会议后不久,麦卡锡从达特茅斯搬到了MIT。同年,明斯基也搬到了这里,之后两人共同创建了世界上第一座人工智能实验室——MIT AI LAB实验室。值得追的是,茅斯会议正式确立了AI这一术语,并且开始从学术角度对AI展开了严肃而精专的研究。在那之后不久,最早的一批人工智能学者和技术开始涌现。达特茅斯会议被广泛认为是人工智能诞生的标志,从此人工智能走上了快速发展的道路。


Artificial intelligence was officially proposed in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1950, a senior named Marvin Minsky (later known as the "father of artificial intelligence") and his classmate Dunn Edmund built the world's first neural network computer. This is also seen as a starting point for artificial intelligence. Coincidentally, also in 1950, Alan Turing, known as the "father of computers", put forward a remarkable idea - turing test. According to Turing's assumption: if a machine can talk to human beings without being identified as a machine, then the machine has intelligence. In this year, Turing also boldly predicted the feasibility of truly having intelligent machines. In 1956, at a conference organized by Dartmouth College, computer expert John McCarthy proposed the term "artificial intelligence". Later, it was regarded as the symbol of the official birth of artificial intelligence. Shortly after the meeting, McCarthy moved to MIT from Dartmouth. In the same year, Minsky also moved here, and then they jointly founded the world's first artificial intelligence laboratory - MIT AI lab. It is worth pursuing that the Mause conference formally established the term AI and began to carry out serious and professional research on AI from an academic perspective. Soon after that, the first batch of AI scholars and technologies began to emerge. Dartmouth conference is widely regarded as the symbol of the birth of artificial intelligence. Since then, artificial intelligence has embarked on the road of rapid development.

"人工智能在五六十年代时正式提出,1950" 的相关翻译

人工智能在五六十年代时正式提出,1950年,一位名叫马文·明斯基(后被人称为“人工智能之父”)的大四学生与他的同学邓恩·埃德蒙一起,建造了世界上第一台神经网络计算机。这也被看做是人工智能的一个起点。巧合的是,同样是在1950年,被称为“计算机之父”的阿兰·图灵提出了一个举世瞩目的想法——图灵测试。按照图灵的设想:如果一台机器能够与人类开展对话而不能被辨别出机器身份,那么这台机器就具有智能。而就在这一年,图灵还大胆预言了真正具备智能机器的可行性。1956年,在由达特茅斯学院举办的一次会议上,计算机专家约翰·麦卡锡提出了“人工智能”一词。后来,这被人们看做是人工智能正式诞生的标志。就在这次会议后不久,麦卡锡从达特茅斯搬到了MIT。同年,明斯基也搬到了这里,之后两人共同创建了世界上第一座人工智能实验室——MIT AI LAB实验室。值得追的是,茅斯会议正式确立了AI这一术语,并且开始从学术角度对AI展开了严肃而精专的研究。在那之后不久,最早的一批人工智能学者和技术开始涌现。达特茅斯会议被广泛认为是人工智能诞生的标志,从此人工智能走上了快速发展的道路。用英语怎么说? Artificial intelligence was officially proposed in the 1950s and 1960s. In 1950, a senior named Marvin Minsky (later known as the "father of artificial intelligence") and his classmate Dunn Edmund built the world's first neural network computer. This is also seen as a starting point for artificial intelligence. Coincidentally, also in 1950, Alan Turing, known as the "father of computers", put forward a remarkable idea - turing test. According to Turing's assumption: if a machine can talk to human beings without being identified as a machine, then the machine has intelligence. In this year, Turing also boldly predicted the feasibility of truly having intelligent machines. In 1956, at a conference organized by Dartmouth College, computer expert John McCarthy proposed the term "artificial intelligence". Later, it was regarded as the symbol of the official birth of artificial intelligence. Shortly after the meeting, McCarthy moved to MIT from Dartmouth. In the same year, Minsky also moved here, and then they jointly founded the world's first artificial intelligence laboratory - MIT AI lab. It is worth pursuing that the Mause conference formally established the term AI and began to carry out serious and professional research on AI from an academic perspective. Soon after that, the first batch of AI scholars and technologies began to emerge. Dartmouth conference is widely regarded as the symbol of the birth of artificial intelligence. Since then, artificial intelligence has embarked on the road of rapid development.

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