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"With the popularizat" 的中文翻译


With the popularization and interconnection of various smart terminals, in the near future, people will not only live in a real physical space, but also in a digital and virtualized cyberspace. In this cyberspace, the boundaries between humans and machines will be diluted as never before. In other words, every individual in cyberspace may be both a human and an artificial intelligence. In addition, in the real physical world, artificial intelligence does not have to have a human-like form, which makes it possible for artificial intelligence to enter all aspects of our lives from more angles, assisting human beings to complete the intelligence that was previously considered to be completed by humans. Task.



"With the popularizat" 的相关翻译

With the popularization and interconnection of various smart terminals, in the near future, people will not only live in a real physical space, but also in a digital and virtualized cyberspace. In this cyberspace, the boundaries between humans and machines will be diluted as never before. In other words, every individual in cyberspace may be both a human and an artificial intelligence. In addition, in the real physical world, artificial intelligence does not have to have a human-like form, which makes it possible for artificial intelligence to enter all aspects of our lives from more angles, assisting human beings to complete the intelligence that was previously considered to be completed by humans. Task.用中文怎么说? 随着各种智能终端的普及和互联,在不久的将来,人们将不仅生活在真实的物理空间中,而且生活在数字化和虚拟化的网络空间中。在这个网络空间中,人与机器之间的界限将前所未有地被冲淡。换句话说,网络空间中的每一个人都可能既是人类又是人工智能。此外,在真实的物理世界中,人工智能不必具有类似人类的形式,这使得人工智能能够从更多角度进入我们生活的各个方面,帮助人类完成以前认为由人类完成的智能。任务

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