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"Mulan is the younges" 的中文翻译


Mulan is the youngest daughter of the flower family. She has been beautiful and bright since childhood. I studied and wrote with my father since childhood, and became familiar with military books. He often followed his father on horseback and archery, and developed a good martial art. One day, an officer came down from his horse and handed her a document.



"Mulan is the younges" 的相关翻译

Mulan is the youngest daughter of the flower family. She has been beautiful and bright since childhood. I studied and wrote with my father since childhood, and became familiar with military books. He often followed his father on horseback and archery, and developed a good martial art. One day, an officer came down from his horse and handed her a document.用中文怎么说? 木兰是花儿家族最小的女儿。她从小就很漂亮,很聪明。我从小就和父亲一起学习和写作,熟悉了军事书籍。他经常跟随父亲骑马和射箭,并发展出一种很好的武术。一天,一名警察从马上下来,递给她一份文件。

Mulan is the youngest daughter of the flower family. She has been beautiful and bright since childhood. I studied and wrote with my father since childhood, and became familiar with military books. He often followed his father on horseback and archery, and developed a good martial art. One day, an officer came down from his horse and handed her a document. The officer said that there was a war in the frontier, and Khan ordered to recruit Mulan's father to become a soldier. Mulan's father is old,用中文怎么说? 木兰是花儿家族最小的女儿。她从小就很漂亮,很聪明。我从小就和父亲一起学习和写作,熟悉了军事书籍。他经常跟随父亲骑马和射箭,并发展出一种很好的武术。一天,一名警察从马上下来,递给她一份文件。这位军官说,边境上发生了一场战争,可汗下令招募木兰的父亲当兵。木兰的父亲年纪大了,

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