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"Dear, thank you for " 的中文翻译


Dear, thank you for staying at jinlin World Trade Winning hotel, and sharing your stay experience with us. Thank you for your positive praise of 杨飞and袁秀荣. We will surely convey it to her. It is our highest mission to provide our guests with sincere care and comfortable hospitality. Our ladies and gentlemen are here to welcome you home. Free swimming and fitness!! Free parking in the underground parking lot (free parking is available when you check in at the front desk and check in your license plate number!!) ,, the room has children's teeth and bathrobes, small toys can provide, there are more quality services, waiting for you! Looking forward to seeing you again!


亲爱的,感谢您入住金林世贸大酒店,并与我们分享您的入住体验。感谢您对我们的积极赞扬杨飞和袁秀荣. 我们一定会转达给她。为客人提供真诚的关怀和舒适的款待是我们的最高使命。我们的女士们、先生们在这里欢迎你们回家。免费游泳和健身!!在地下停车场免费停车(当您在前台登记并登记您的车牌号时,可以免费停车!!),,房间里有儿童的牙齿和浴衣,可以提供小玩具,还有更优质的服务,恭候您的光临!期待再次见到你!

"Dear, thank you for " 的相关翻译

Dear, thank you for staying at jinlin World Trade Winning hotel, and sharing your stay experience with us. Thank you for your positive praise of 杨飞and袁秀荣. We will surely convey it to her. It is our highest mission to provide our guests with sincere care and comfortable hospitality. Our ladies and gentlemen are here to welcome you home. Free swimming and fitness!! Free parking in the underground parking lot (free parking is available when you check in at the front desk and check in your license plate number!!) ,, the room has children's teeth and bathrobes, small toys can provide, there are more quality services, waiting for you! Looking forward to seeing you again!用中文怎么说? 亲爱的,感谢您入住金林世贸大酒店,并与我们分享您的入住体验。感谢您对我们的积极赞扬杨飞和袁秀荣. 我们一定会转达给她。为客人提供真诚的关怀和舒适的款待是我们的最高使命。我们的女士们、先生们在这里欢迎你们回家。免费游泳和健身!!在地下停车场免费停车(当您在前台登记并登记您的车牌号时,可以免费停车!!),,房间里有儿童的牙齿和浴衣,可以提供小玩具,还有更优质的服务,恭候您的光临!期待再次见到你!

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